How many hours do I need?
Organizing Services: Scheduling a consult will help us determine your needs. I love Lisa Archilla’s ‘4-2-8 Rule’ and utilize it to estimate the more simple projects (It’s why I always ask for photos or videos of your space). For any space (Think of a single-door closet) that is is about 4’ wide by 2’ deep by 8’ high, it will take roughly two hours to organize. There is a great article from Lisa here: https://www.beeandpeacockorganizing.com/post/how-long-does-organizing-take-time-estimator-guide
Coaching Services: Coaching services are provided in 1-hour sessions. We will do an initial (free) intake and then schedule 1-hour sessions at the frequency you choose (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly).
Consulting Services: Needs vary by client. I generally accept clients looking for a minimum of 10 hours/month but we can personalize plans and hours, dependent on needs of your business.
where do we start?
Organizing Services: If you have a large project or multiple rooms, we will discuss where you want to start first. There is no wrong answer! I usually start with the room or space that has the most potential- Where do you feel the most stressed? Which room is taking the most time from you during the day to maintain or clean?
Coaching Services: We will start with an intake session to understand your goals and needs.
do i have to get rid of my things?
Organizing Services: Decluttering is our first step but it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to get rid of items. They may just need a new home. If you want to keep what you have today, we will work together to find it a space in your home or office. However, if part of your goals or vision is to have less, we can talk through goals of minimizing what you have and future purchasing habits.